Your First Three SEO Tests to Ensure a Strong Strategy

Your First Three SEO Tests to Ensure a Strong Strategy

When determining if your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy is indeed strong – there are a number of tests you should run, which can be overwhelming. Not to fret, we’re here to tell you the top 3 tests you should run in order to ensure your website is optimized.

Test 1: Title tags

Test number one, title tag tests. The title tag is an HTML code tag that allows you to give a web page a title. This title can be found in the browser title bar, as well as in the search engine results pages (SERP). It's crucial to add and optimize your website's title tags, as they play an essential role in terms of organic ranking (SEO).

Title Tags are a low-hanging fruit that you can grab. Title tag tests impact both click-through rates independent of rankings and they also impact your rankings. So that's why there are such big swings that we get from them. So something like adding price to your titles, good test, probably just targeting click-through rates. Something like adding a really big, primary keyword might impact both your click-through rates and your rankings. Put these in. Low level of effort, high impact tests, they're in our sweet spot.

Test 2: On-page keyword targeting

Next we want to run on-page keyword targeting tests. Keyword targeting is used to target ads based on publisher data. For example, the publisher may insert keywords that identify the section of a site where the ad request originates, or what language is used on the page. Publishers may also add this kind of data dynamically.

Take a look at the keywords depressed throughout our pages and try changing the keyword targeting, perhaps to something like a higher search volume keyword. This can also be adding content. This can be updating headings. H1 changes fall into this category. We rank these as low to medium impact and low to medium level of effort. So generally still pretty easy to run. Not going to cause as big of swings as title tags, but we definitely want to prioritize those early on, targeting our rankings.

Test 3: Internal linking

Lastly, internal linking tests. An internal link is a type of hyperlink on a web page to another page or resource, such as an image or document, on the same website or domain. These fall into that quadrant that is high impact, high level of effort.

Internal linking tests are a high level of effort not only because you need engineering resources oftentimes to implement them. It's also really difficult to figure out the measurement for these tests. That's because we're changing two different pages. We're going to expect to see an impact on the pages where we're adding the links. We're also going to expect to see an impact on the pages that are receiving a link. But these cause big wins for SEO, so we definitely want to plan these tests in. These are going to be targeting your rankings.

In Conclusion

Again, your first three SEO tests to run — title tag tests, improving your keyword targeting on the page, and internal linking. 

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A well-designed search engine optimization campaign puts your business at the forefront of search results, building a consistent pipeline of leads for your business.

Ready to start moving up the rankings? The SEO experts at Good Commerce are standing by to help. We are passionate about helping small businesses devise a search engine strategy that’s tailored to their needs.

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